Friday, 25 October 2013

A basket woven from an old map.

A couple of months ago I did a soft basketry workshop with Averil Otiv.

We made baskets from old linen backed maps which are stronger than the modern paper versions. Averil had a selection of maps for us to choose from and I chose East Kent as the Joads originate from Canterbury and my brother and I are the first Joads in our line to be born outside Kent. In the early twentieth century there were many Joads in Kent, a significant number emigrated in the interwar period to America. Joad is an unusual name and people have said they thought Steinbeck had made it up for the Grapes of Wrath.
I try to write this blog a couple of times a week, (I know its beeen awhile I'll blame the decorating!) my main aim for the blog is to let people know about new products, events I will be attending and my secondary aim is just to say a bit about what we are doing and what exciting things are happening here. The blog is publicised my website home page, hopefully soon on facebook, and on blogger. Most UK readers use, the blogger stats show a wide readership in the UK and around the world, but many people read my blog in the USA.  I have often wondered if there are any Joad's in the USA reading my blog if there are   send me a message and say hi.

Returning to the basket, I enjoyed weaving it but was rather heavy handed when pulling the strips tight and ended up with the only wonky basket in the group. I will have another go when I have some spare time. Below are some pictures of it and Myrtle loves it.

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